Over 75% of the world’s population are Mobile Subscribers
Over 80% of Irish People either own or have access to a smartphone
60% of all internet searches are from mobile device.
What do these Stats tell us?
To connect with your customers and grow your business, you must think Mobile!
So What are Mobile Apps?
Mobile applications (also known as mobile apps) are software programs developed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. They turn mobile devices into miniature powerhouses of function. Put simply, they provide your customers with a one-button method of engaging with your company and provide you with a very powerful way of getting your message across to your customers.
What Functions do Mobile Apps Provide?
Apps are extremely functional with multiple features such as Mobile Shopping, Bookings & Reservations, Digital Loyalty, Customer Reviews, Social Media Integration, Event Listings, Image Galleries, YouTube and Podcast. Add to these the power of Free Push Notifications and you have an extremely powerful way of driving additional traffic to your business
What Phones do they work on?
A mobile app developer creates an app specifically for the operating system in which it will run. For example, mobile apps for the iPhone are supported by Apple’s iOS, but not Google’s Android. An Apple app can’t run on an Android phone, and vice versa.
Typically, developers create a version for each; for example, a mobile app in the Apple Store might have a counterpart in Google Play.
“Mobile First” Development
Before the widespread adoption of mobile devices, software was first developed to run on desktops and laptops, with a mobile version coming after. Now however, Mobile usage is outstripping that of desktop computers and laptops, reflected in app sales trends. In fact, 197 billion apps were forecast to be downloaded in 2017. As a result, many developers have turned to a “mobile-first” approach, mirroring a similar trend in web design.
In today’s Mobile dominated world, if you’re serious about growing your business, you need to go Mobile! A Mobile App will
Enhance overall brand exposure
Increase Mobile Search Engine Visibility
Improve Social Networking Strategies
Boost Foot Traffic and increase Revenue
Encourage Repeat Business and Customer Loyalty
John Donnelly is an authorised App Developer for Eazi Apps in Ireland. You can contact him at john@eazi-apps.com or 086 2230812
For more information, go to www.eazi-apps.com/sitc