B12 – The Vitamin
What is it?
It is one of 8 B Vitamins. Vitamin b12 is required by all animals and can only be obtained through the consumption of animal products. Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. Cobalamin is classified amongst the water-soluble vitamins through it is not easily soluble in water. As the name implies cobalt is an essential part of this vitamin which acts as a co factor in metabolism.
Why is it necessary?
B12 Plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function and production of DNA.
How does it work?
Vitamin b12 is bound to protein in food and must be realised before its absorbed. The process starts in the mouth when food is mixed with saliva, this continues with the support of hydrochloric acid and gastric protease in the stomach, in the duodenum digestive enzymes free the vitamin b12 further. The freed vitamin b12 combines with intrinsic factor (a transport and delivery binding protein secreted by the stomach parietal cells to be absorbed in the ileum.

Vitamin b12 can be absorbed through the mouth (sublingual sprays) and in this case intrinsic factor is not required. However, the vitamin must be kept in the mouth for as long as possible to ensure absorption, otherwise if swallowed vitamin b12 can only be absorbed with intrinsic factor.
If vitamin b12 is added to fortified foods and dietary supplements it is already in free form and therefore does not require the separation step.
Topical vitamin b12 enhances the re-growth of hair on the scalp. It is also known to energise skin cells which helps them function better.
Where can we get it?
Foods of animal origin such as meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs. Its 3 times higher in dairy products than in meat fish and poultry and the bioavailability from dietary supplements is about 50% higher than from food sources. Some foods may be fortified with Vitamin B12.
Signs of deficiency
Megaloblastic anaemia, low count white and red blood cells, fatigue, palpitations, pale skin, weight loss infertility, numbness in the hands and feet

People susceptible to deficiency
Older adults’, individuals with gastrointestinal disorders or have had gastrointestinal surgery, vegetarians, infants of vegan women and people with pernicious anaemia
NOTE: Our Body stores about 1 to 5mg so b12 so symptoms can take several years to appear. However, there is no risk of toxicity as the body does not store excess amounts
Things to consider – Interactions with medications
Gastric acid inhibitors include PPI used to treat gastro reflux disease and peptic ulcers. These can interfere with vit b12 absorption from food by slowing the release of gastric acid into the stomach and thereby lead to vitamin 12 deficiency.
Metformin – used in the treatment of prediabetes and diabetes may reduce the absorption of b12.
How’s it treated
Injections of Vitamin b12 because this method by passes any barriers to absorption making it the best method of delivery.