Dermalogica Clear Start Tackles Gen-Z’s Top Skin Concerns with NEW Micro-Pore Mist, a Pore-Minimizing Toner.
When Dermalogica’s Gen Z customers talk, they listen. And the bulk of what they have been hearing of late via polls and daily DMs is that shrinking large pores is a top priority. As always, once they are done listening, they get to fixing. *Drum roll.*
Welcome to the stage, Micro-Pore Mist!
As well as this, Dermalogica Clear Start launches new oil-controlling, skin-refining jelly moisturiser for breakout-prone skin. Even oily skin needs hydration!
Micro-Pore Mist 118ml RRP €25
Cooling Aqua Jelly 59ml RRP €26
Launching March 2021 online at and authorised stockists.