800x800 for blog For a lot of us mums, a job can offer so much more than just income; it gives us a chance to connect outside of the home, a chance to challenge ourselves and to achieve personal goals.

But that doesn’t mean it’s easy heading back to work after a long period off, especially if you’ve just had a baby. Now you have the added consideration of balancing your responsibilities as a mother with reaching your full potential in the workplace.

For those mums really considering getting back into the workforce, here are some practical tips to help you carefully plan your approach.

 1. Time will become your main focus

If it’s not looking at the clock during the night, it will be watching the minutes disappear in the morning as you try to leave the house on time (yes, most of us are guilty of badly underestimating time). Try to be honest with yourself and others about what time you need to complete tasks, and if possible add a little extra on.  Remember, one minute in planning saves ten in execution.

2. Figure out what the workplace can offer YOU

People tend to look at salaries as their main criteria when looking at jobs (or the reason they stay in their current position) – but money should never be the main motivator. I think it’s better to look for the opportunities in a career that fits the life you see yourself living. High paying careers can often come at a price.

 3. If going back full-time try to build up to a full week gradually

This may not be the case with every job but it’s not an unreasonable question to ask, so ask it! It will give you a chance to make the adjustment without putting yourself under too much pressure. Don’t forget that parents make up a lot of the current workforce, and they understand what’s it’s like. In reality, most people love to help so don’t feel alone.

By Maria Morgan, Career Development & Psychometric Practitioner.