a helpful tipDo you see your CV as solely a job application tool, where the only time it gets any attention is when you are applying for your next job?  We are at the start of a new year when everyone does the usual goal setting routine, and if we are honest, it has inconsistent success. But how often do we re-visit our goal plan to up-date our career progress and do we make ourselves accountable to anyone for the intentions we have?

If we viewed our CV as our own ‘career progress report’ it would become our greatest tool towards developing ourselves and our career. Formatted correctly you can use your CV to outline what achievements you already have and the aspirations for the future. Committed to paper for others to view we now have a goal and accountability for that goal. To potential employers, its builds a profile of the person you are. It demonstrates focus and motivation better than the alternative of just telling them (which is the norm). Remember when your aspirations and goals are reached they then join your growing list of achievements. New goals are then set to fill that space. Take ownership of your CV. Employers view it as a good way of assessing an individual that they haven’t yet met, but for you it’s a snapshot of your working life and when you read it, are you impressed??