Can HR help transform a Small to Medium size business?
HR’s overseeing Institute, The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) are running a year long experiment in England, to find out what difference HR help and advice can make to a range of small to medium size companies.
The CIPD’s experiment is interesting. Everyone knows they need an Accountant and will rely on their Accountant’s services to see how to improve or increase profits.
HR Services are not traditionally the ‘go to’ people to find out how to improve the business and become more profitable. A HR service is an added cost and if, as a business owner, you have been managing staffing, its an unnecessary expense, until something goes wrong.
Staff, of course make you profitable and this is where the services of a competent HR Service can help you lift your profile and your profit.
In the CIPD experiment, a range of different small to medium size companies, told of successful business growth and transformation due to HR input. This input came through developing handbooks and policies so staff were clear about the company expectations of them; writing clear job descriptions, putting in place line management structures or setting pay scales; carrying out supervisor and manager training to improve their people management skills.
Why did these companies engage HR? To improve their bottom line. One company owner said, HR expertise has helped the business develop. He said, “Managing our people is integral to our business, and we didn’t quire realise its importance.”
If you are wondering if our HR Service could help your business improve, call us for a chat. See for details on our service or call Catherine on 087 173 9919 / 079 70576430human resource management