©Press Eye Ltd Northern Ireland -16th October 2012Colleen Harte from Lucy Annabella Organics pictured at Clements coffe shop in Belfast Mandatory Credit - Picture by

When did you become interested in natural and organic beauty and what inspired you to set up your own business? I decided to create the brand when I realised that ‘being organic’ is as much about what we put on our body as what we put into it. I am a Complementary Therapist and a Clinical Aromatherapist and I have been an organic health enthusiast for years.  Through my work I lived by the ethos that ‘Our health is paramount to our happiness’.

In 2011 after travelling all over the world in search of knowledge and the finest ingredients from organically dedicated farmers I felt the time had come to actively combine all aspects of my life’s loves and pursue my passion to formulate and blend beautifully organic ingredients and share them with the world.

The beautiful name Lucy Annabella was my sweet grandfather’s fond pet name for me.  ‘Lucy Annabella’ has great sentimental attachment for me and it sits close to my heart therefore I knew it was the perfect name for my cosmetics.

What are your favourite ingredients to work with and why?My favorite ingredients to work with are Organic Aromatherapy Essential Oils. The reason I work with these is that the scent is beautiful and really natural and they are also organic which is of absolute priority to ensure I am formulating only the best for my customers.

Some of the oils I use assist with everyday issues facing us all to day in the form of illness, stress, sleep deprivation, dry skin, aging and stretch marks to name a few. There are so many chemicals in regular skin-care it is actually quite scary, a lot of us have no idea what we are doing to our skin but out health which is of up-most importance. If there is any ingredient on skincare or beauty label that you do not know the meaning of…don’t purchase it. Simple!

Can you briefly describe a typical day in the life of Lucy Annabella?I rise early, a typical day for me starts at 6am, I check my emails and have a shower. I always eat breakfast before I leave the house I make porridge using Flahavan’s Irish Organic Porridge I always make fresh juice in the morning to give me an energy boost. I get into the office around 7am and reply to all my emails and update my calendar for all my goals and activates for that day and then it begins. Everyday can be different I can be working on strategy one day, researching our competitors, formulating new lines and products and on other days I can be out on the road selling. Some weeks are spent in London and beyond meeting with potential buyers and PR contacts, at trade fairs and meeting with our accreditors. If I am working in Ireland I try to get home for dinner with my husband and relax in front of an open fire whilst clearing up my emails.

Who is your greatest influence in your career/life? My husband and my family.  Mum and Dad raised my four siblings and I in the family business, so from a very early age, we learnt to appreciate hard work and how to care for our customers but most of all we learnt to value family and quality time.  When I met my husband, Ciaran, I was just 18 years old.  His love for family and community, strengthened these values in me even more but he also encouraged to me follow what has now become our dream.

 What is your favourite part of your job? Formulating new blends and seeing my ideas become reality in beautiful packaging but most of all, seeing my customer’s happiness when they talk about Lucy Annabella.  I also adore watching my amazing team working tirelessly to grow Lucy Annabella; I love seeing their creatively coming to fruition.

 What is the most challenging part of your job? Souring the best possible ingredient for each product.  Finding passionate farmers who care as much as we do is critical to the development of wonderful organic products.

Why do you think it’s important for women to become more aware of organic beauty? The average woman will expose her larger organ, her skin to over 200 harmful each and every morning. This is a really scary statistic and not enough women are aware of it. I believe organic beauty is essential if we want to protect our body and preserve our skin. Young women now starting to buy skincare need to be educated that organic is the only way forward. If we can teach this to the youth of today we will have succeeded in protecting their skin and their health.

Do you have a green ‘hero’? Jo Fairly is my non-negotiable ‘Green Hero’. To have created a luxury, organic chocolate brand is perfection to me and she remains true to her green routes in every aspect of her life.

 What do you think set’s Lucy Annabella apart from other organic brands? Luxury. I don’t believe we have to lower our packaging and brand standards and desires for organic Lucy Annabella gives you both organic and luxury in equal measures. We give you permission to indulge while also intentionally caring for your body

Your best tip for aspiring entrepreneurs? Believe in your business idea, your ability and the people around you. When the going gets tough work harder and believe in yourself.