Do you ever feel bloated? Does this interfere with your ability to work or participate in social or recreational activities? Will it affect you this Holiday Season? 

Most people describe bloating as feeling full, tight, or swollen in the abdomen. Your abdomen may also be swollen(distended), hard and painful, it can be accompanied by excessive gas, frequent burping or belching or abdominal rumbling or gurgles. This occurs when the gastrointestinal tract (GI) becomes filled with air or gas. But what’s causing this?

Feeling Bloated? 10 Possible causes!-beautiful jobs

1.You don’t chew well enough or eat too quickly – Digestion starts in the mouth when you chew. Taking time to chew helps break down your food into more easily digestible pieces. When you chew your salivary glands make saliva, a digestive juice which moistens your food and begins to break down starches. Eating too quickly or chewing gum can result in you swallowing excess air causing a build-up in your system resulting in excess wind belching and gurgling  

Feeling Bloated? 10 Possible causes!-beautiful jobs

2.Your Menstrual cycle – Hormones may be the culprit before your period or during menopause This is normal due to hormonal changes that regulate our menstrual cycle. Try to eat low-sodium foods, increase water intake, alcohol, and exercise gently and regularly like a gentle walk or yoga. 

Feeling Bloated? 10 Possible causes!-beautiful jobs

3.Stress – Can lead to bloating by increasing inflammation and causing gut bacteria imbalances. When our body stressed in ‘fight or flight’ it can depress our digestive process by diverting blood supply away from our digestive system to other organs such as the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system. This results in reduction in digestive secretions such as stomach acid, bile and digestive enzymes making it harder for us to digest our food and placing a strain on our digestive tract. Take time to eat and eat in a relaxed state not on the go.

Feeling Bloated? 10 Possible causes!-beautiful jobs

4.You don’t poop often or completely.  If you don’t poop frequently enough, at least once a day, the bacteria in your gut can ferment the stool sitting there. This leads to excess gas, pressure, and bloating. Make sure you are going to the bathroom and eliminating completely once a day. Altered gut motility may lead to constipation or impaired gas transit. Ensure adequate water and fibre intake

5.You have fermentable fibre intolerance. This means that you are extra sensitive to the fermentation of specific fibres. These are 5 groups of fermentable fibres (FODMAPS). Fibre is important so the key here is to figure out which fibre type you are sensitive to since you are likely not sensitive to all of them!

Feeling Bloated? 10 Possible causes!-beautiful jobs

6.You have food sensitivities. The most common food sensitive are gluten and dairy. However true food sensitivities are much less common than people think. Usually, the sensitivity is due to the quality of foods that gluten and dairy are in and not really because of the gluten and dairy themselves. Meaning if you think you have a sensitivity to gluten and you eliminate pizza, cakes, and processed food then you likely feel better just because you are eating healthier, not because you eliminated gluten.

7.You have gut dysbiosis. Your gut is home to good bacteria and bad bacteria. In general, bad bacteria aren’t problematic. In fact, they are a vital part. The only time digestive problems occur is if the bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria. This is called dysbiosis and leads to issues like bloating and pressure. It can also lead to systemic issues like brain fog, skin rashes, hormone imbalance and weight gain

Feeling Bloated? 10 Possible causes!-beautiful jobs

8.You have low stomach acid –Most people think they have high stomach acid but, most of us have too little. Why? Because of stress, high sugar diet, zinc deficiency or food sensitivities. Low stomach acid makes it hard for your body to break down food. This leads to heart burn and bloating 

9.You have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) –SIBO happens when bacteria travel from your large intestine to your small intestine (where they are not supposed to be). When you eat the overgrown bacteria start fermenting the food in your small intestine. This leads to severe bloating and discomfort within 30 minutes of eating. There are many reasons that SIBO develops and many solutions.

Feeling Bloated? 10 Possible causes!-beautiful jobs

10. Non-prescription and prescription medications and supplements can cause gas and bloating. If you can make the association speak with your doctor if you need help controlling your symptoms. Don’t stop any medication without first speaking with your GP