Confident beautician is advising new cream to senior woman. She is holding tube and smiling

In today’s world it is becoming increasing difficult for companies to make profit and very often salon owners are finding themselves relying only on salon treatments  to make ends meet. According to statistics gathered by a US Salon, they proved that if a customer visiting a beauty or hair salon purchased two retail products after a treatment there was a 60% chance of their return, if they purchased one retail product there was a 30% of their return and if they purchased no retail product, there was only a 10% chance of return.
Whether you are a salon owner, manager, therapist or stylist, selling product should be a significant part of your job. Retail has a much higher profit margin than service sales do so like it or not, the majority of modern businesses will include this in their job description and at interview stage will often ask for evidence of achieving sales targets.
There are so many things that can be done to help boost products sales and the fact is that selling products and employing staff with good sales techniques can help double your salon profits! For those of you who are inexperienced in this area or nervous about the idea, here are some tips that may help:  
1.       Determine your 5 top selling products and know the salons non-movers! For those who are responsible for salon inventory, do not re-order stock that doesn’t move of the shelves! Many businesses now have salon management systems such as ‘Phorest’ and ‘Premier’. Don’t be afraid to get familiar with it, research the features and use them to your advantage. In the long run, salon management systems will make your job easier. Their stock control feature will instantly breakdown for you what is selling and what is not, giving you accurate reports. Put on sale any stock that has been sitting on your shelf for month than six months.
2.       Believe in your products. The products you are selling in your salon must be the products you are using on your customers. When they see a good result after the treatment they are more than like to purchase them.
3.       Training is the key! Salon owners and managers, it’s a great idea to continuously send your staff on further training, always ensuring they have excellent knowledge of the product ingredients, their benefits and unique selling points. If you are a therapist or hairstylist who doesn’t feel confident selling product, don’t be afraid to ask for help and training. People who have initiative are highly valued in the workplace .
4.       Don’t be afraid to share your samples! Give out plenty, your customers will test them and hopefully come back to buy more!
5.       Have a colourful, dust free display counter with plenty of light that will catch the customer’s eye.
6.       Attract your passers-by and show off what you have on offer! You don’t need to over fill your window with retail product and often a simple poster with a good promotional offer grab their attention and lure them in to your salon. Digital screens are becoming more and more popular to promote brands, services and events.
7.       A pushy sales person is often a turn off and could result in that customer not ever returning to your salon!  Salon owners should monitor staff and their sales techniques closely, ensuring they are selling with a gentle approach. Offering genuine after care advice on products is the most successful way of selling.
8.       If you are a business owner or manager recruiting new staff, ensure applicants have a history of good sales and don’t be afraid to ask for figures to prove it. If you are a therapists or stylist with excellent sales ability, prove this during interview stage. Take along with you evidence of targets ,commission and give plenty of examples. This is your opportunity to show your potential employer your skills, helping you win that job.
9.       Managers should reward staff for their good sales by introducing a healthy commission structure or incentive scheme. This will result in eager, motivated and enthusiastic staff with a drive to sell and increase products for your salon
10.     Whether you are business owner or employee, set personal and salon goals & targets. Knowing exactly how much money your salon can make or monthly commission you can earn as a staff member will entice you to work harder!