If you have suffered IBS symptoms and tried everything it may be time to consider a low FODMAPS diet. This has been proven to be an effective way to reduce gut symptoms in IBS by 70/80%!!


F – Fermentable – Fermentable covers foods that can be fermented and used as food for the gut bacteria.
O – Oligosaccharides – are a type of carbohydrate that usually contains three to ten simple sugar molecules, examples are fructans found in onions, garlic, wheat, rye, and barley.
D – Di saccharides – such as lactose, contain two simple sugar molecules
M – Mono – Saccharides – such as fructose contain one sugar molecule
A – And
P – Polyols – also known as sugar molecules – sorbitol and mannitol which are mainly found in sugar free sweets, mints and chewing gum, plus certain fruits, and vegetables

The above are a group of indigestible carbohydrates that the small intestine cannot digest and that ferment in the large intestine.

So, what foods are FODMAPs foods?
Garlic, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, apples, avocado, pears, mango, soya, wheat products like pasta and pastries, rye, beans, and pulses to name a few!

How do FODMAPs cause problems in IBS?
FODMAPs cause water to be drawn into the small intestine, leading to distension and bloating.

Bacteria in the large intestine ferment FODMAPS which leads to gas and bloating.Ferment meaning that the complex carbohydrates are broken down by bacteria and other microbes to release energy.
Gas builds up as the muscle wall expands because of the fermentation and the large intestine sends a signal via the expanded muscle to the nervous system. Resulting in IBS symptoms!! Distension, gas bloating, discomfort and often pain!

Protocol for Low FODMAPs Diet

  1. Elimination – A period of four to six weeks when the patient restricts all FODMAPs foods from their diet. At the end of this period, they should see symptoms improve.
  2. Reintroduction – Over the following weeks patients begin to reintroduce FODMAPs into their diet systematically adding one food at a time back into the diet in increasing quantities allowing the patient to identify their symptom threshold for each of the FODMAPs.
  3. Personalisation – Over time patients can personalise their diet adding in the FODMAPs that don’t cause symptoms and reducing or eliminating those that do, to control symptoms while maintain a nutritionally adequate diet.

If you think you have IBS speak with your GP and consider the FODMAPs DIET with professional support.
It is not recommended to stay on the Low fodmaps diet for a long period of time as reduced gut microbiome diversity, which can be a result of LFD can be detrimental to gut health in the long term. Always consult a professional in the field.