What is it?
IE is a non-diet approach that helps individuals heal from chronic dieting. It encourages you to ditch food rules, respect your body and enjoy food again. How can it help me?Can help you to reconnect with your internal cues, listen to your body and focus on health instead of weight.

How to – 10 principles

  1. REJECT THE DIET MENTALITY Address your food rules which can be
    influenced by external factors like diets and the media. No carbs don’t eat after a certain time etc. If you have a history of disordered eating, they will take time to undo. Be kind to yourself!
  2. HONOUR HUNGER You are ‘allowed’ to be hungry. Hunger means our body’s signals are working but diets often require us to ignore them. Hunger cues include feeling lightheaded, irritable, low energy stomach rumble.Learning to honour/acknowledge this biological signal sets the stage for rebuilding trust with yourself and food.
  3. MAKE PEACE WITH FOOD Give yourself permission to eat. Allow all foods.This can help prevent bingeing as by allowing all foods ‘forbidden’ foods loses its appeal and you strike a balance. It can reduce feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings which often ends in bingeing.
  4. CHALLENGE THE FOOD POLICE. The food police monitor the
    unreasonable rules that diet culture has created. Call out the voice in your head that tries to dictate your food choices based on calorie content or ‘health’. Try to think more rationally about food.
  5. RESPECT FULLNESS There is a difference between feeling full and feeling satisfied. Check in with yourself as you are eating. Are you satisfied or getting full? Mindfully eat.
  6. DISCOVER THE SATIFACTION FACTOR Acknowledge that there is pleasure and satisfaction to be found in the eating experience. Give yourself permission to enjoy the experience without guilt. To eat less and feel more fulfilled choose delicious foods you really want and will satisfy. Prioritize a few meals a week to focus on positive eating to begin with.
  7. DISASSOCIATE FEELINGS FROM FOOD When comfort eating becomes
    your only coping mechanism it can be problematic. Try to find other ways to comfort yourself, have a bath, read a book, call a friend for a chat, or go for a walk.
  8. ACCEPT BODY DIVERSITY We come in all shapes and sizes and should not sacrifice our health to change our genes – this cannot be done! Consider psychological support if you struggle with body image.
  9. EXERCISE – FEEL THE DIFFFERENCE. Movement is great for physical and mental health, and it should feel good. Decouple exercise from weight loss.Erase the tape of how exercise felt when you were dieting. Explore different forms of movement that make you feel energised- ditch the tracking devices!Focus on movement as a way of taking care of yourself and feeling good now.
  10. TAKE NUTRITION GENTLY You must first explore your relationship with food and then consider the basic nutrition. Remember you don’t have to eat perfectly to be healthy. It is important to eat for wellbeing as well as enjoyment.